
Dr. Eve Walters is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Temple University. Her recent research has dealt with evaluating the impacts of combined sewer overflows on river water quality, as well as the role that particulate matter plays in the fate and transport of microbial pollution. She is additionally interested in biofilms found both in engineered and natural systems and the utilization of tools such as confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and microelectrodes to investigate these ubiquitous coatings.

Research Interests

  • Impacts of Combined Sewer Overflows on River Water Quality
  • the Role that Particulate Matter Plays in the Fate and Transport of Microbial Pollutio
  • Biofilms Found in Engineered and Natural Systems
  • Utilization of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) & Microelectrodes to Investigate these Ubiquitous Coatings

Courses Taught




ENVT 0845

The Environment


ENVT 0945

Honors: The Environment


ENGR 1101

Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technology


ENGR 1101

Introduction to Engineering & Engineering Technology


ENGR 1102

Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving


ENGR 1901

Honors Introduction to Engineering


Selected Publications

  • Beganskas, S., Ryan, R.J., Walters, E., Soro, M., Cushman, E., & Toran, L. (2021). Coupling PCSWMM and WASP to Evaluate Green Stormwater Infrastructure Impacts to Storm Sediment Loads in an Urban Watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 57(1), pp. 134-153. doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.12896