
Dr. Jack Sears is an instructor and the program director for the Kinesiology Physical Activity Program in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Temple University. His academic background is in education, having received his bachelor's degree with a concentration in recreation and sports from Baylor University in Texas. In 1982, he completed his master of arts degree in Christian education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, with concentrations in collegiate ministry and recreation.

After 13 years of working in church recreation and student ministry in Texas and Alabama, Jack began a 17-year career working internationally in Malawi, Cyprus, Russia and Turkey. His primary concentration was with student development and sports. During that time he coached baseball, basketball, volleyball and taught physical education in a number of international private schools. In 2008, he returned to Texas and began work on his master's degree in curriculum and instruction at Sam Houston State University (SHSU) in Texas. Upon completing his degree in 2011, he began work as an adjunct instructor in both the Department of Curriculum & Instruction and the Department of Kinesiology at SHSU. His teaching areas included physical education teacher education, pre-service teacher education, motor learning and motor development. In 2019, he earned his PhD from The University of Texas at Austin where he focused on physical education teacher education. His dissertation was entitled, "The effects of refugee resettlement on physical educators' behavior and teaching practice."

Jack's primary role at Temple University is to administrate the Kinesiology Physical Activity Program (KPAP), providing leadership and supervision to 35 adjunct instructors, and to provide direction for the future of the program. KPAP currently offers over 90 sections of various physical activity classes to almost 2,000 students. Dr. Sears looks forward to developing KPAP's scope and quality and providing excellent physical activity opportunities for the students, faculty and staff at Temple University. He likes to say, "If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?"


  • PhD, Curriculum and Instruction: Physical Education Teacher Education, The University of Texas at Austin
  • MEd, Curriculum and Instruction, Sam Houston State University
  • MA, Christian Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • BS, Education, Baylor University

Curriculum Vitae 

Courses Taught




ACTV 1039



ACTV 1045

Intermediate Golf


ACTV 1051



ACTV 1061

Introduction to Backpacking and Camping


KINS 2502

Physical Activity for Individuals with Disabilities


KINS 3213

Human Movement and Development
