At Temple University, the safety and well-being of our community is our top priority. Our goal is to help you stay informed about resources and services. The Public Safety website is designed to guide students, faculty, staff and visitors through essential information and safety tools tailored to your needs. From Temple’s emergency notification system to the FLIGHT shuttle schedule, we are committed to helping you feel secure where you live, learn and work.

  • TUsafe app: Stay connected and informed with the TUsafe app. This mobile application provides important safety features, including emergency contacts, safety tips and campus maps. 

  • TUalert systemSign up for TUalert to receive timely emergency notifications via text and email. 

  • Walking escort service: Late night of research in the library? Our walking escort service is available to accompany you to your destination. 

  • Prevention programs: We offer classes and tips to help you remain vigilant and protect yourself and others from crime.

  • Annual safety reports: Transparency is vital and helps to keep our community informed. View the reports.